Grow Your Company FASTER
with a Strategic Alliance

Strategic Alliances Made EASY!

Successfull Strategies Begin Here

We Facilitate Strategic Alliances in High Growth Industries

New Green Energy Technologies

We've streamlined the process of distributing new Green Energy Technologies by forming Strategic Alliances.

Become a Member Today!

FinTech and Banking

Banks and other financial institutions must innovate in order to maintain customer growth, engagement, and satisfaction. Our systems lead to growth and increased Lifetime Customer Value

Energy Independent Data Centers

If your company is substantially dependent upon data, you would be wise to form a Strategic Alliance with the developer of this incredible Energy-Independent Data Center.

Become an Owner through a Strategic Alliance.

Accelerating Progress in America and Beyond


Why Strategic Alliances are Better Than an Acquisition

Acquisitions take time and cost money. In fact, in the time that it could take to acquire another company that has exceptional technology, you may end up losing a greater amount of money in opportunity cost.
Strategic Alliances can be arranged quickly and require far less investment.


How Strategic Alliances Grow Your Company Faster

If you are smaller sized company with terrific innovation, the fastest way to penetrate the market Is through a Strategic Alliance with a larger partner who already has a distribution system in place.
Likewise, if you are a large company, the fastest way to innovate is to seek Strategic Alliances outside of your organization where innovation happens at a rapid pace. Access to rapid innovation will cause new business growth.


Current Strategic Alliance Opportunites

Create your profile and Become a Member.


Start Your Strategic Alliance Process Now

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Learn the Process of a Multi-Million Dollar Strategic Alliance

Click to View the Presentation

Wharton- Executive Education

Understanding the Value of Strategic Alliances & Partnerships

Begin a Dashboard

Example of a Strategic Alliance Company with a
Breakthrough Energy Storage Technology.

Why This Site Is Different

  • Unique Partnering Methodology

    Although strategic alliances are not new, the methodology of forming them that we utilize is totally new and innovative.
  • Showcase of Opportunities

    We provide a means to Showcase new start-up or early stage opportunities for large strategic partners to invest in.
  • Partner with Companies that Have Capital & People

    Instead of searching for a venture capitalist, entrepreneurs with Innovative technologies put their technology in front of large corporations that can benefit directly from the technology.

How It Works...

  • Strategic Alliance USA serves as a platform for matching small and large businesses in a mutually beneficial business relationship.
  • We help in the formation process by categorizing and showcasing the opportunities offered by both large and small companies.
  • In some cases, our company called MarketPower USA will take an equity position in a Special Purpose Entity that is set up to facilitate the Strategic Alliance. By doing so, we can help provide strategic marketing and coordination of the venture going forward.

What Is Strategic Alliance USA

Strategic Alliance USA is a new way to grow your business.

By joining forces with another company, it is possible for you to gain momentum and achieve faster growth through the synergistic efforts and resources of others that are complementary to your Core Business Mission.

What To Do Next...

If you think that your business or company is ready for a Strategic Alliance, We invite you to submit an application which will be reviewed by our professional Business Alliance Team.


Our Consultants Offer
Deal-Making Expertise

  • When it comes to successful results, you need a Professional to negotiate your deal.
  • Our Alliance Development Executives are experienced in all facets of business,
Apply Now!
Code of Ethics

All Users of are expected to adhere to the SA/USA Code of Ethics which includes the following:

Personal Leadership

Personal Leadership is taking responsibility for one’s own actions. It is a vital attribute for employees in both entry-level and senior executive positions. It entails doing what you say you are going to do and honoring your commitment to others.

Corporate Responsibility

Businesses have responsibilities to their employees, their clients or customers and their board of directors. Some of these may be contractual or legal obligations, others may be promises. However, a commitment to conduct business fairly and to treat people with dignity and respect is an example of Corporate Responsibility. As a Business Owner, Manager or Employee you have a responsibility to maintain conduct consistent with Corporate Responsibility.


Loyalty is a valuable quality for both corporate leaders and team members. In a Strategic Alliance, loyalty is vitally important. It's important for team members to be loyal to their Alliance Partner Team Members, as well as their coworkers, managers and the company. This might involve speaking positively about the partnering business in public and only addressing issues in private with a manager. Customer or client loyalty is important to a company not only to maintain good business relations but also to attract business by cultivating a positive reputation.


Respect is an important business ethic, both in the way the business treats its clients, customers and employees and in the way its team members treat one another. When you show respect to someone, that person feels like a valued member of the team or an important customer. It indicates that you care about their opinions, you keep your promises to them, and you work quickly to resolve any issues they may have.

Trust and Trustworthiness

Trust is the foundation upon which any successful relationship is built. A great performance without trust is a waste of effort and resources. Trustworthiness is the characteristic of an individual which develops and earns the trust of others.
A business cultivates trustworthiness with its clients, customers and employees through honesty, transparency and reliability. Team members should feel they can trust their companies to keep to the terms of their agreements. Clients and customers should be able to trust the business with their money, data, contractual obligations and confidential information. Being trustworthy encourages people to conduct business with you and helps you maintain a positive reputation.


When a business exercises fairness, it applies the same standards for all team members, regardless of rank. The same expectations of honesty, integrity and responsibility placed upon the entry-level employee also apply to the chief executive officer (CEO). Fairness means that a business strives to treat its customers with equal respect, offering the same goods and services to all based on the same terms.

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Individual and Corporate social and environmental responsibility means that a company recognizes its impact outside of the marketplace. The essence of is to promote, advocate for, market and supply green energy and water technologies that enhance lives, reduce waste and promote a safe and healthy environment.

Honesty & Integrity

Honesty and Integrity are perhaps the key elements of a successful Strategic Alliance relationship. While we have referenced Trust and Trustworthiness, neither can be achieved without Honesty and Integrity. These characteristics are essential for an honorable, moral, and valuable relationship to exist and grow.


Maintaining confidential information for clients and your partners is expected at all times. Everyone is required to maintain the confidentiality of the other parties involved in the project. Accordingly, each company should complete the NDA for
All employees should either complete the same NDA (at the link above), or be informed by Management that they are bound by the terms of their NDA.

There is no obligation.

Find Your Perfect Partner

We look forward to welcoming you to the

Strategic Alliance USA.